Product Description
Recycled Rubber Bulletin Board 48″w x 36″h
This rubber bulletin board is commonly found in schools and universities in both the classroom and the hallway. This rubber bulletin board is a wall mount rubber tack board that is perfect for posting events, news, reminders, as well as being a great display space for schedules, menus, business cards or anything that can be held up by a tack. This rubber bulletin board is great for keeping students, faculty, employees, and passersby up to date and informed.
A rubber bulletin board, like these classroom announcement boards are made with a durable anodized satin aluminum frame, which itself is made of recycled materials and is designed to last for years. This rubber bulletin board has been rated a “green” product due to its high content of post consumer recycled product. The board’s surface is constructed of 90% recycled rubber. This rubber bulletin board features a self healing surface that hides the holes left behind from tacks and push pins. The manufacturing process of this recycled rubber creates a confetti look (black with specks of color). The recycled rubber backer is colorfast, resists stains and fading, and is easy to clean. Businesses today are trying to be greener and more responsible. Let us help your reach your goal of a greener office, school, business, or home with this recycled rubber bulletin board!Board hangers are included. Mounting hardware of your choice is required depending on the wall surface.
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